
Available downloads

NPS Image Editor does not contain any viruses, spyware, adware, or other types of malware. It is 100% free, and the only thing I ask in return for using it is that you provide feedback about the program and suggest potential improvements from the user's perspective.

Please review the End User License Agreement before using the software.

Latest Release (Recommended)

The most up-to-date general release available. Recommended for most people.

    Latest release

Latest Nightly (Potentially Unstable)

Feeling adventurous? Want to play with the newest features NPS Image Editor before they're released (and provide feedback)? Check out the latest untested nightly build to see the latest work in progress!

    Latest nightly

Latest Legacy Release for older systems

The most up-to-date legacy release available, designed for Windows 98 through 8.1. Not recommended for newer systems.

    Latest legacy release

Old Versions

Older versions of NPS Image Editor. You are strongly encouraged to use the latest release if possible.

    View all available NPS builds

    View all available NPS Legacy builds


This section contains extras for enhancing NPS. Read the individual item's description after clicking the link for more information.

    Standalone Runtime for standalone NPS 4.x

    Find Pixels extension

    Legacy Filters (from NPS 2.x)

For Developers

Create your own filters for NPS Image Editor using the samples below as a starting point.

    Filter Samples for NPS 4.x

    Filter Samples for NPS 3.x and Legacy